Doubts regarding impurity on the floor

Q: I had the urge to go to the restroom (for toilet). Before sitting on the toilet seat I usually check the toilet seat whether there is any thing on it or not (I bent my back while checking). The moment I stood straight, I was confused whether from the toilet or normal discharge that gushed out. It gushed so much (this time I really had the urge to go). It was watery and I am confused whether it was from the toilet or clear discharge and that I put my clothes on the floor. I am not sure whether the impurity touched  floor or not. Should I wash the floor? It happened to me nearly three times. 

A: You should only consider the place as impure if you have complete certainty and conviction that the impurity had fallen there.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
